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Security to act

The crisis portal is an action-oriented tool for dealing with crises in the workplace, school or nursery.

Two women are talking

Våre produkter

Kriseportalen gir konkret veiledning i håndtering av ulike uønskede hendelser og krisesituasjoner. Våre prosedyrer og praktiske hjelpemidler gir trygghet til å handle ved alt fra mindre hverdagskriser til store, kollektive hendelser som rammer mange.





About Personal Care

The crisis portal is provided by Personalomsorg AS. For over 20 years, we have helped Norwegian businesses take care of their employees through consultation services for managers and employees, skills development and practical tools.

Two toy car
Over 20,000 users

The crisis portal is one of the country's leading tools for handling crises and unwanted incidents in companies and organisations, schools and kindergartens.